I thought newsgroups has gone away.
silly me!

mike wrote:
When I had a provider that actually provided this service I used xnews.  It
was handy with binaries, I didn't do a lot of just reading.  For that you
might look at mozilla Thunderbird, I find that to be a small fast usenet/RSS
client.  I've never really used it for email.  I like it's interface for
usenet and RSS which is the same as the interface for email.

Are you using your ISP or a third party for news?  Google?  When I had
cable, the ISP had suddenly decided to go from a 5 day retention to I
believe more like 5 hours, the whole thing became useless.  Qwest offers
even less, no usenet unless you pay an extra 10 bux and their retention is
near zero...no POP either.  Can you believe that?  An ISP that doesn't offer
email or news?


On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 2:01 PM, Arthur Poudrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Any body out there still using a standalone usenet news reader? Any
recommendations? I had been using free agent 1.1, but it is a bit old, so I
was wondering what I was missing. Cheap=good, free=better.

I don't really like the web interfaces available for reading them on-line.


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