This is not a tech support question, honest!! But I would like your
ideas on where I start to sort out a mess that started with the best of
intentions (I know, the road to hell being paved with them . . .).
Here's the situation:
1) 1 Dell desktop computer running Windows XP + 4 individual iTunes
accounts on said computer (one for each family member) = slow
2) I get the bright idea to purchase an external hard drive: the LaCie
Golden Disk. It comes, I set it up, and do a bone-headed thing - I use
Windows Explorer to "move" the 4 iTunes accounts to the external hard
drive. I know, S-T-U-P-I-D!!
3) I have to call Geek Squad to sort out the problem. The technician
comes and tells me that I simply have to change the path (or something
like that) so that the computer knows where to look for iTunes.
4) Now 2 of the 4 family members have few/no problems working their
iTunes accounts. The other 2 still have big problems including files not
found, files being renamed, duplicate playlists created, etc.
5) I have to call Geek Squad back to sort out the problem. We get an OK,
but not great, outcome on all 4 iTunes accounts (e.g, family has stopped
grumbling and can purchase music OK but there are still weird glitches
that weren't there before item #2).
6) One sunny day, as various family members log into iTunes, we get
messages saying we have to upgrade iTunes. So we variously click "OK".
7) Now we get message that, in order to upgrade iTunes, we have to
upgrade Windows first. So we feel we have little/no choice but to click
8) 12 hours later, Windows is done with its "updates" (side note: up
till now, I was not allowing Windows "updates" to automatically load on
this computer - yuck!) and it restarts my computer.
9) Now, Windows doesn't "recognize" the external hard drive and keeps
asking me to insert a driver - well, the LaCie didn't require a driver
and one doesn't come with it!!
10) Also, now, we can access the iTunes website to purchase music but
then iTunes IMMEDIATELY says it cannot find the file (and one family
member has about 200+ such "unknown" files - more than $200 bucks worth
of music purchased over the last 3 years).
I'm not asking members of this listserv to resolve the technical issues
but I AM asking your advice about where to start in getting all these
issues resolved. Do I start with iTunes tech support? Or do I start with
LaCie (although I don't see how it's THEIR problem - the little hard
drive used to work just fine)? Or do I tackle Microsoft? Or how about
Dell? Or maybe Geek Squad? Help!!
Sharon Richardson
Who knows just enough about computers to get in trouble and not enough
about them to get back out of trouble - LOL
Somewhere in the outskirts of Northern Virginia

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