
Did you read the story?

You've said that you use photo editing and video software. I use photo editing and video software for my work. I've used both Mac OS and Windows for years. Not only does Mac OS X work more transparently than Windows, Windows in emulation is better on a fast Mac than on a Windows PC, especially when sharing files between OS's. Almost everything that needs to be done in Photoshop or video software can be done in fewer steps and faster on a Mac. Same for most other software, except--no surprise--MS Office.

Linux also runs on Macs, natively and in emulation, but researchers have to use the software that's written for their work. Given the choice between our two Windows notebooks and my MacBook, I'll take the MacBook any day.

Have you used a Mac recently? Ever? Do you use Vista? It's hideous. I've "upgraded" to XP Pro, and Mac OS X. Use a Mac. Pocket the extra money you have from being more productive, and use it for toys and fun. Keep the PC for video games.


So, to phrase the results correctly, 100% chose Windows,  0% chose
Mac alone, and 86% chose to run Windows on a Mac.

Who cares. I'd be more interested in why none of them can get their work done on a Linux laptop.

On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 7:25 PM, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
19 of 22 (86%) Users Ask to Keep the Mac. However, when asked if
they would rather keep their MacBook Pro or return to using their
familiar ThinkPad, only three chose the ThinkPad; the rest
decided to keep the Mac laptop and obtain VMWare Fusion licenses
to run Windows when necessary.

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