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Alvin Auerbach wrote:
I've made a Real Estate Fact Sheet PDF for my GF, which looks nice but is too large to email to her. The first page has five color photos and weighs in at 25 MB.

My tools are a G5 iMac running Mac OS 10.5.2, AppleWorks, and GraphicConverter. Somehow, even though I've tried to bring down the file size of the photos to about 400KB each in GC, pasting them into AW and using the iMac Print function to create the PDF, the file size seem to ballon up.

What am I doing wrong? How can I bring the total PDF file size down to 10MB or less, so that I can email the file to her and she can print it? If I don't do this, it may affect our relationship! : (

Thanks in advance,


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