I don't know Kaspersky, but I am a big fan of Tred Micro.


On May 2, 2008, at 3:27 PM, Michael Drabick wrote:

I need to renew a couple of computers AV software currently on Norton AV. After reading CNET's review of Norton ( it is a pig, 300MB in size and monopolizes 258MB of memory) I was thinking of switching to Kaspersky. Any thoughts would be appreciated. McAfee is not on my list because it is a pain. I have used AVG, but the user interface leaves much room for improvement.

My biggest concern is that this is a Russian company, and it just seems odd to me that the CNET best rated security software is from a country where the Russian Mob extorts money from virtually every business. Somehow I get the uncomfortable feeling that they are some how involved in this and stand to profit greatly. When you go to the Media Contacts on their website, it puzzles me that every worldwide office has a mailing address except the Headquarters. Their contact information does give an address in Moscow as their Headquarters.

Please tell me I am just being paranoid, and that this is safe software.


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