Depends... what's a "gourmet pie"?  That almost sounds like something
made with sweatbreads.  If that's the case, then you can keep all the
"gourmet pie" for yourself.  :-)

Mind you, I normally like to avoid these "which is better - mac or PC"
wars.  Each system has its own good points and not so good points.
Market share can be a good indicator but it, like most data, can easily
be misconstrued if you don't look at what's really behind it (to think
I'm finally using my degree in marketing!) :-)

Check this out from

"...Fortune picked up this report and pointed out 
pcs-over-1000-hits-66/? or

the somewhat obvious fact that the >$1,000 PC segment is Apple's by
default, since Dell, HP, and Lenovo sell the bulk of their machines in
the $500-$750 range, and Apple has only one model selling for less than
$1,000. As the analyst said, It doesn't hurt Apple that once you're in
its store, you can't buy any computer with a screen for less than a
grand. If you don't give people a choice people will spend more."

(The last 2 lines were cobbled together from the story and
the Fortune story)


-----Original Message-----
From: Computer Guys Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Piwowar
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] OMG! Apple US Market Share for "Premium" PCs Hits 6

>Or, more likely, the Mac fanboys are going to have a hard time
>accepting that the Mac is still such a small part of the market it's

66 percent is a big number. How to explain?

If I take a gourmet pie and cut in into three slices. I give you one 
slice and a big bag of Hohos. I keep the other two slices for myself.
you happy?

Yes this is an IQ test.

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