On May 26, 2008, at 7:03 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

Film has grain, digital doesn't.

  Digital does have noise, which in many ways is the digital version
of grain.

Digital camera noise is highly consistent from pic to pic. Software can
profile it and remove it. Not so for film grain.

Agreed. However, there is apt to be a noticeable loss of detail when effective noise removal is applied to images, especially when the noise level is high to begin with. Digital noise is not as evenly dispersed as is the grain in high speed film. Digital noise can be "blotchy" in appearance, more noticeable in some areas of an image than in others, and can also affect color in strange ways. If one has to leave the digital noise in order to retain detail, I'd prefer the film-type grain to digital noise.

That being said, I still use my digital almost 100% of the time, including low light situations.


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