Although I have not tried it, I believe there is a way to bring Gmail messages into your machine's Email application. I purposely don't do that because I like having my Gmail account available when I am having problems with Thunderbird (most recently with an inbox that mysteriously ballooned up to something like 15 gig in size and froze the application - I am told that I need to "compact" folders more often).


Jeff Wright wrote:
To update on the piss-poor spam filtering that Comcast is using, it
continues with a new twist.  I'm getting *some* messages on threads, but not
all at times.  For instance, Tony's thread on SATA drivers, I only got 6 of
the 9 messages, which explained my confusion as to who Tony was replying to.

I see all the messages in my Gmail inbox, so maybe that's the solution.  I
haven't had the time nor inclination to deal with Comcast's "support."  But
I hate Gmail's insistence on displaying all messages in a thread as a
collapsed "conversation", rather than individual messages in a linear
format.  I wouldn't mind so much if you had the option to do either, but
it's Google's way or the highway.
So, I have to choose:  craptacular mail service or poor interface design
choices.  :::sigh:::  And no, I don't need *another* email address.

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