My wife and I are planning to purchase a new laptop and need recommendations on 
the most cost-effective hardware/software combination. I welcome input from 
anyone with relevant experience. By the way, this list has yet to steer me 
wrong with the many pleas I've posted in the past. Congratulations!

One of the principal tasks for the system will be to download and manipulate 
digital videos shot with a Sony digital videocam. We won't need much 
sophistication in the video manipulation - probably not much more than the 
ability to edit for length, cutting and pasting an hour or two of video into 20 
- 30 minute packages that will then be burned to a DVD. A secondary task will 
be to take all of those family VHS tapes and load them onto DVDs for archiving 
and copying for family.

Other tasks will include creating documents with MS Office applications. WiFi 
and Ethernet LAN connectivity will also be a must. It will be carried on 
commercial aircraft, along with the videocam, so a light configuration with a 
minimum of attachments would be appreciated.

We have a number of computers running Windows, so my first inclination is to go 
for a Windows (which apparently means Vista) operating system.

RAM, hard disk, video card, etc., recommendations are welcome.


Dan :-)

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