"POS Software" as in "Point Of Sale" or "Piece Of Sh*t"?  :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Computer Guys Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve Rigby
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 2:28 PM
Subject: [CGUYS] Macs in business

   I went to the Apple Store in Tyson's Corner Mall twice this past  
week.  I had to walk almost the entire length of the mall to get  
there from where I like to park.  Just for interest, I decided to  
take note of what OS the computers in the little kiosks that dot the  
mall are using.  These little kiosks are actually mini stores located  
on the concourses on both levels of the mall, and there are dozens of  

   On my first trip I scanned the kiosks on the second level.  I saw  
only brands of computers that would be typically running Windows, and  
they all appeared to be doing do.  The next day I scanned all, or  
most of the kiosks on the first level.  Again, Windows machines were  
all that I saw.

   I work part time in the picture framing business.  Last time I  
checked, there were 24 picture framing POS software packages for  
Windows and 4 for Mac and PC.  None for Mac alone.

   There actually was a higher percentage for the Mac platform a few  
years ago than there are today, and where I work we initially had  
Macintosh POS software, but that maker switched to Windows and dumped  
Macintosh.  His rationale for doing so?  "Everybody in the framing  
business seems to want to use Windows computers," was what he had to  
say.  FWIW, and this is purely my own observation based upon over 40  
years in picture framing, I have never worked for a picture framing  
operation that was not conservative in its political orientation and  
sociological outlook.  I dunno if that has a thing to do with the  
penchant for Windows machines in that line of business, but that's  
been my personal experience and the experience of almost everybody  
that I know in picture framing.  Of course, that's probably par for  
the course in the business world anyway.


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