After being overseas since early June, it's a delight to come home to gems like this. I was reading a novel about the Minotaur, and now it's the Furies. Sometime being a little off-topic is a wonderful thing.

Now, I'll have to scan the archives to see what else I missed.

Thanks, Constance, et al.


p.s. Those of us who use Macs in business and at home often use PCs too. We choose the best tool for each task/project--sometimes Mac, sometimes Windows, sometimes Linux, sometimes BSD. It's not which is the best platform, it's the platform that works for us most transparently, and with the least effort and downtime. [computers: MacBook 2.2GHz Intel, PPC G4/1.6GHz, PPC G4/733MHz, Dell Optiplex P4/W2000, Dell Latitude notebook/WXP, Compaq notebook/Vista, No name PC/Linux]

This is weird.  "The Blessed Ones" is the name by which the Furies are commonly 
called, in Greek and Roman religion and literature.  I sat down at my computer this 
morning, glanced at the subject line of the incoming emails, and  wondered why the Furies 
were a topic of discussion on a computer email list.

The Furies, incidentally, are the righteous avengers who seek out crimes and 
injustice and prosecute the culprits.  They're called the Blessed Ones, the 
Eumenides, because you want to be very polite to anybody who is that dangerous.

There's probably some kind of analogy to the present situation, to the actual 
topic of this thread, but I don't want to think about it.

--Constance Warner

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