>> >Thanks for checking, but did you try Satellite mode?
>> >No matter what zoom level I try, it gives me the we don't have that zoom
>> >level message.
> Nice and clear. I can even count the windows in my office building.
> I only get blocked when I zoom in on the nude beach.

I use Google Maps' satellite view to find the locations and surroundings of hotels and apartments where we plan to stay while traveling--before making reservations. It extremely useful, especially for locations like this http://www.tropic-hotel-rivesaltes.federal-hotel.com/page_de_1.html, which are actually located in an industrial park with a gigantic new-car parking lot and a wind farm, http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=tropic+hotel,+rivesaltes,+france&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.710275,57.744141&ie=UTF8&ll=42.795487,2.882752&spn=0.00381,0.007049&t=h&z=17. It was inexpensive and convenient, and we couldn't see the parking lot or car-train or transport trucks through the trees, but it would have been a surprise if we didn't know where it was located.

Is this the beach that was blocked? [Seis Salinas, Eivissa, EspaƱa]

Or was it this one, closer to home? [Assateague Island Seashore, Maryland]


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