They couldn't, however, do this for
everyone, obviously. I wonder what their formula for this level of service

Several months ago the display went out on my MacBook Pro that was only abouty 4 mos old. I took it to the Genius Bar and they said they had to send it in because they couldn't fix it.....obviously. A couple of days later a woman from Apple called and offered me a brand new one exactly like mine but it would take 2 weeks as they were out of the 15" right then or I could have a 17 " right away. I was amazed they offered the bigger one as a replacement but I said I'd wait for the 15" to come. I just didn't want to lug around a 17" machine. And for a while I had lots of problems with my iPods and they always gave me new ones, no questions asked. I can't say enough for their customer service and frankly, that's one thing that keeps me going back to Apple.

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