when i look in special(Eudora), all i see are filters, addresses, empty trash, 
compact mailbox and message plug in settings.  none of these plugins seem to 
deal with fonts and display.

i checked off what i thought to be the appropriate boxes in 
tools>options>viewing mail.


At 12:29 AM 8/15/2008, you wrote:
>At 9:45 AM -0400 8/14/08, gerald wrote:
>>when someone like circuit city,ecost, buy.com include images in their emails, 
>>i get the images.  when my email friends send pictures that they have 
>>imbedded, i get the area marked off, and a small red "x" in the upper left 
>>hand corner of the box.
>>eudoria 7.1.xxx , foxfire 3 and vista with latest upgrade sp3?  on a plenty 
>>big enough machine.
>I consider this a good thing, but you may not. Eudora is an email application 
>that excels at text email (as email should be), and it is very cautious about 
>loading images and other html items. If you want to see the message in all its 
>HTML mail glory, just choose File > Open in Browser and the whole html 
>enchilada will open in your default web browser.
>If you really want to have images and other html stuff loading in all your 
>email messages, you can change it in Special > Settings > Fonts and Display: 
>check boxes for "Display Graphics in messages" and "Automatically download 
>HTML graphics"
>- John
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