
First you say not to rely on data being on your hard disk.  While you did
not use numbers, you said:
>Bytes on hard drives disappear all the time.
> just restore last night's image

You are implying that you can expect hard drive errors every day.  Note:
you did not say that exactly.

You have to admit that Tom's response to "bytes on hard drives disappear all
the time" was pretty reasonable ("No, they don't").

You should both be able to agree that losing data on a hard drive is not
predictable, but shouldn't happen even once a year per hard drive - unless
there is a serious problem (lots of power spikes, hard drive hit end of life
and is failing, etc.).

Therefore, you can probably both agree that when a file gets messed up in
Windows, the odds of it being a hard drive failure (losing bytes on the
disk) is miniscule compared to the myriad other ways Windows can get messed

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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