Chris Dunford sez:

>This is a classic phishing scam, so delete it and forget about it.  Never
>respond to ANY email that asks for passwords, account numbers, etc.

Also, never click on links to websites in emails that ask you to verify
your information. If it is a company/bank that you do have an account
with or regularly do business with, go to their website yourself and
sign in. Then use their customer service pages to contact them about
whatever the "issue" is.

Of course, this does not necessarily include verification emails with
links sent to you when you sign on to a forum or service. However, once
you are signed in and verified, do not click on links in emails that are
supposedly from them.

It only adds a second or two of time and will ensure you're not clicking
on faked links in email. (Ah, the wonders of HTML mail. :) Usually if
you choose to view the source of an HTML-ized email -- even those made
to look like plain text -- the full link will show it doesn't go where
one thought it might.)

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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