i just got this answer from a real person at eSnipe:

The problem was that when you updated your bidding password on one of our 
servers our system did not update your status on our alternate server.  I have 
done this for you now.  eBay has verified your bidding information on both 
servers and our system has updated your status to Valid once again. 

6 months to finally figure out the problem??  surely i was not the only one 
with whatever the problem was.  i was also "validated" with prior corrections.

At 09:28 AM 8/24/2008, you wrote:
>i have used eSnipe for a couple three years.  about 6 months ago, i started to 
>get log on errors for my bids from them.  
>"eBay Username or Password Problem
>eBay reports that the password or username you provided is not valid. It is 
>too late for this bid, but you can fix it before your next bid. The most 
>this is not correct.  the error has occurred at least 10 times.  when they 
>test for me it works, when they bid for me, it does not work.  
>they send canned replies.
>i have even done cut and paste to make certain the ebay and the eSnipe 
>username/password are the same.
>no sense talking to a computer.  who else does eSniping? 
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