On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >I didn't have a problem and shooed off my installer after he got the
> outside
> >wiring done because I had a last minute errand that needed running.  I got
> >the network hub installed without a hitch by myself.
> And because you know enough about proper grounding to go back and check
> their work and correct any mistakes they may have made.
> I tend to follow techs around, show them where things like the grounding
> rod are and quiz them about things that worry me.

The FIOS installation has a largeish inside the house component that he did
first.  The backup power supply and the electricity to run the box that
converts from fiber to internet/phone/TV.

My house wasn't all that well grounded at the time of installation.  We took
a spike in June that had me replace my oven, a circuit board in my dryer, a
doorbell, three outlet strips and two of my two neighbors DVD players.  We
had relied on the incoming water line as the ground for the house.  Now I
have a big old grounding rod out front behind a bush.

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