Around here the price is about the same, with Comcast being slightly
cheaper. I doubt DSL will actually _implement_ a cap at 5gb/mo, but
more likely would follow Comcast's lead in whatever they do. But the
fact they put it in their new TOS means they think they can get away
with _some_ sort of cap.

Blu-ray discs currently hold up to 25gb, but HD movies compressed for
the internet are more like 5gb.

On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 11:16 AM, gerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how much for the 5gb? how much to 250gb?
> heard that a single hd movie is around 25gb.  comcast has a problem.  
> internet sells of $40, cable sells for $100.
> At 09:31 PM 8/29/2008, you wrote:
>>250gb/mo is at least realistic. The local phone company (Frontiernet)
>>is talking about 5gb/mo.

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