Not sure how google and apple are going to work together, there are several
other major players on the field with webkit, but they seem to work
independent, not jointly.

Chrome is probably an answer to the IE 8 beta that is out there with the new
'porn mode' feature.  This feature in IE 8 basically renders adsense useless
and google has to be a little jittery.  Mozilla too is rumored to be working
on such features.  There is no other reason for google to release a browser
other then to help keep control over it's adsense program.  The real
question is what will chrome offer over firefox and IE 8, yes, I do think IE
will begin to matter more because MS is thinking it can help control
google's influence on the web if it can control their cash flow.  Safari is
a non starter in this whole deal.


On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 1:50 PM, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> WOW! This is a big deal. Google is developing its own web browser, called
> "Chrome." It is chock full of important new features.
> Even more WOW! is that Chrome will be based on the WebKit browser
> framework. WebKit is a fork of the KDE KHTML browser engine that was
> started by Apple (Safari is Apple-branded WebKit). WebKit is Open Source
> Software (LGPL and BSD licenses). So Safari and Chrome should be expected
> to track each other closely.
> The loser here will be FireFox. Brain dead IE users will continue running
> IE no matter what happens.
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