you may want to back up to something that is 99.9% pure.  that is not a single 
HD, and it is not using MS software.

failure rates on hd's are much higher than the 0.000000000000000000000000001% 
per year claimed and MS software does not transfer from one os to another.

a lot of fragments of the information i want have been overwritten years ago.  
if you do those daily, weekly, monthly backups, that information is gone.

At 02:04 PM 9/7/2008, you wrote:
>This probably seems a stupid question (though I don't believe there are
>really any stupid questions except those you already know the answer to),
>but if you are regularly backing up to an external hard drive (as I've now
>started to do, scheduled for automatic daily back up) is it still important
>to do regular back ups on the computer itself, or is it less important to do
>this very often or regularly?  Maybe what I'm really asking is what does the
>back up on the computer actually do and what and how does it prevent nasty
>things from happening?
>Thanks again,
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