I have upgraded my laptop to a 120gb hdd and used an upgrade kit from
apricorn which comes with an external usb case for the old drive and
software to do the image and move that to the new drive ...for most cases
you buy the drive, stick it in the case, and run the software and you're in
business.  It came as a bundle with the new drive from newegg for a very
good price.

In my case I had to take out the old drive first and stick it in the
external case and do it from there ...that is ONLY for thinkpads for some
reason.  It is detailed on their website.

Now, you ask why I told you this?  Because, the old drive (which was running
fine) 40gb is great for a backup.  The apricorn software included also does
incremental backups and imaging so you can use it as a backup solution
afterwards.  It has rescue features so you can make the image drive bootable
if you must.

That's one thing.  Another is Karen Ware (google it) ...she has a FREE
incremental backup app you can get off her site ...so no excuses for not
backing up properly, eh?

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