Greetings -

For the last few days, I have been testing data recovery software and trying to find the folders and files from my WD 500 GB USB external drive. No luck, in particular with "Search and Recover" and "Easy Recovery Pro."

When I originally dragged and dropped my data from my Linux partition to the external drive (formatted FAT32), I dragged folders that were created in Linux ext2 but that contained .doc, .txt, .html, .pdf, and .jpg files. When I subsequently saved my Windows folders to the same external HD, they must have overwritten the folders created in ext2. I assume that if I had simply copied all the files, sans folders created in ext2, to the HD, this might not have happened.

Since I deleted my SuSE partition and installed Ubuntu in its place, thinking that my files were safely backed-up, I think that I am facing a lost cause. My last gasp is to try a data recovery program that has a Linux version and see if it can see something that the others can't - probably not.

I downloaded TestDisk at and got the version for Linux ext3 to install in Ubuntu 8.041 . The filename is testdisk-6.10.linux26.tar.bz2 and I downloaded it to my Desktop.

Ftrom there, I'm stuck. Although everyone says it's easy, I don't have a good track record untarring tarred files. Some step-by-step advice about untarring and installing, begining with Step 2 (Step 1 being "Turn on your computer" - I got that covered! <grin>) would be greatly appreciated.

Seems that professional recovery firms around here charge $125/hour and I just can't afford that amount.

TIA   Kelly

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