>>>Apple's iTunes 8 has some interesting side effects.  It causes a BSOD

>>Old news. Corrected version is out.
>>So much for Vista's protected mode computing.

Yawn... predictable...

>The problem, as I understand it, is a driver that Apple supplied. 
>Drivers tend to run at kernel level. It would be nice to isolate 
>drivers, but it's kinda the nature of the beast that a driver brings 
>down the whole OS.

AND... AND... the driver gets downloaded for you automatically because
MS, I mean Apple has decided you want it.  Maybe they could prompt you,
"Hey...we've got this really cool driver you might want to download.
Would you like us to do that?" or "Hey...we've got this really cool
driver you might want to download.  There's a good chance it'll make
your system vomburp."

But it's okay because Apple's becoming equal opportunity.  Apparently
it's also caused problems for owners of Airport Express routers.  

Me?  I'd rather not have drivers I don't need installed for me.  I don't
even own an iPod (horrors I know) or an iPhone (yes, it's true!)....  

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