The usual time I see this error is when you load a piece of software that emulates a CD.

Something got loaded that is preventing the system fro reading/addressing the CD machine.


At 09:20 AM 10/2/2008, you wrote:
>The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)"  This time, the
>Windows help message has changed.  It says to uninstall the device
>driver and then do a new hardware search.

That is the usual way to solve this. Sometimes you need to remove
multiple drivers because they interact. Sometimes reloading a bunch of
drivers gets them to load in a way that avoids the problem.

>What now?  I don't know what to do.  I have advised her to return the
>disk drive to Newegg for a replacement, but she waited so long to
>install it the return date might have passed.

Well it looks like they did not sell you a bad drive so they should not
be expected to be holding the bag on this one.

It is intersting to have similar drive problems up for discussion for one
Mac and one PC. Both will be messy to fix.

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