> You accuse Safari of "serious problems" but all the issues you list are
> personal preferences that you even admit "most people don't" care about.
> If these are "serious problems" then what words should we use when
> discussing Internet Explorer?
> To label these "serious problems" is like ordering a bottle of wine at a
> restaurant and rejecting it as "bad" when it is merely not to your taste.
> Not a fair thing to do.
> "Serious problems" would be lack of W3C compliance or being easily
> succeptable to malware. These are things that Safari is actually very
> good at.

Those are _my_ reasons for not liking Safari. It has serious problems for me, not necessarily for others, except in Vista.

Safari isn't any better than other browsers in making W3C noncompliant pages to load, display and print--depends on how awful the site coding is. No one browser is good for everything, so I use several, to overcome inconsistencies in page code as well as browser code.

With all the inconsistencies across the web, one browser doesn't fit all sites. Can you spare a new wireless Apple Mighty Mouse for a poor, disadvantaged no-button mouse user?


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