Except Vista isn't crappy.  I've been running 64bit SP 1 since it was
released and had zero issues.  Many changes in hardware and too many apps to
name have gone through this machine.

Vista was a problem when it first came out, you speak about it as though SP
1 never came out.  What are your problems with it?


On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If W7 is now "feature complete" and MS has not yet figured out why Vista
> is so crappy then why are they also telling us that W7 is not Vista
> warmed over?
> They are either not keeping their lies straight or they completely tossed
> Vista and are building W7 on top of XP. Which is it?
> >Right, I think that's Mike's point--that is NOT what they're doing. MS
> >insists that Win7 is already feature-complete, and that the rest of the
> >time will be spent on tuning and bug fixing.
> >> If Microsoft puts features in just as they ship, it won't be surprising
> >> that they won't work well.
> >> I don't think that's what they do.
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