David Turk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

My partner was working on a Word Processing document in Appleworks 6,
saved it, & when he reopened it, it opened up as a Spreadsheet.
There has to be way to reconvert this, right?  I've copied & pasted
the info to a TextEdit file, then copied & pasted back into an
Appleworks Word processing document, but we've lost all the
formatting.  It's a resume, so there are a lot of formatting changes
to make.  Any thoughts?  tia.

As long as he didn't save it after opening it up as a spreadsheet, he can try a few things. When he created the document is he sure that he saved it as an AppleWorks file? There's a pull-down menu in the Save dialog box that gives a dozen or so file choices.

-Did he open it from the Finder by double-clicking it? Open AppleWorks first. Then open the document inside the program.

-Open a new word processing document. Insert the problem file -- File-->Insert.

-Learn how to use Styles. Define how the formatted text should appear, so that it will always look the same as when it was created. http://www.apple.com/support/appleworks/

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