I want to find a way to forward multiple email messages from my work email account to gmail for storage. By this, I mean that I want the messages in gmail to appear listed individually in the same way that they are received in my work email.

Why? Because my work email has a strict limit of 50 MB for all messages combined -- inbox, trash, sent, drafts, etc. If the quota is exceeded, the work email ceases to function. (When exceeded, I can't even delete trash to get under the quota.) If I select a bunch of email messages from my work address as a block in Thunderbird to forward to gmail, these arrive as a single email message at gmail. It is nearly impossible to search that one gmail message for a subject or sender in Thunderbird, so that "saving" to gmail is nearly worthless if just one concatenated message is received there. (In fairness, a few message can be sent to gmail as a block to appear individually in gmail, but a large number of messages will be combined as one. I don't know what number of messages that the combination starts.)

Any ideas?

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