I will wager on hard drive rotational velocity and disk cache size.  The
difference in performance between a 4200 RPM and a 5400 RPM system, or 5400
to 7200 RPM system, is significant.  Most older drives have a 2 MB cache.

I'm using a circa 2001 Dell Latitude C600 P3-750 laptop (512 MB RAM running
XP) at home with an upgraded 7200 RPM drive (8 MB cache) and it is fast
enough for my needs.  I wouldn't use it with a slower drive in it.

> -----Original Message-----
> How come my IBM ThinkpadX31 PM1.4 2gb ram (but the same was true before
> I upgraded from 1gb ram) with exactly the same stuff running (except for
> lots of ibm stuff extra) runs and performs sooo much better than my Dell
> PIV2(w/intel speed boost) 1gb ram (max it will take) running the same
> but none of that ibm stuff?  Neither has any viri or spy or other
> fections...

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