Of course, it's the letterboxing that's taking all the time. Is there
some *good* reason to do this? Please don't answer "we want to fool
the viewers into thinking it's HD" because that's not a *good* reason.

Although a straight encode to mpg2 for DVD shouldn't take that long
either. Ten minutes of SD footage shouldn't take more than maybe 8
minutes to render. Are you also altering the footage in some way?

Really, you need to get a baseline. Throw a simple SD title on the
timeline say, 10 seconds in duration. Render to mpg2 and time it. My
dual core PC takes 3 seconds.

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 10:53 AM, David Turk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Most of the video I've worked with hasn't been longer than 10 minutes, & it 
> could take several hours for that.  I'm working with hour-long video now, & I 
> am amazed at how long it's taking.  After capturing the video, it took 2 ½ 
> hours for iMovie to "Letterbox" it, & it's taken 3 hours this morning to 
> encode & burn the video to disc.  I know my system is far from ideal (1.67 
> GHx PowerPC, with OS 10.4.1 & 1GB of RAM), but this is all I've got to work 
> with; I'm using my own equipment, because Admin says there's no money to 
> purchase the system we need.  I can add another 1GB of RAM, but is that going 
> to make much difference?  tia.

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