No need to change then.
All security software has its broken upgrades ... pros delay upgrades so as to avoid this inherent "bleeding edge"...


RLeeSimon wrote:
Isn't AVG the one in the news that locked up lotsa peoples boxes recently
with an online upgrade that they had2 do sommersaults to fix??

I have been using Avast and am quite happy so far...

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: yes or no to mcafee

I just got comcast internet snail plan (768up) which is ok for me having had dialup (56k but really around 23-28k at best) for offers MacAfee suite which installs easily ...but the cost in speed and footprint on the resources is very high which makes my pIV2-1gb-winXPhomeSP3 machine run notably slower with many "hourglass" times and very slow boot ...I took off MacAfee and put back Avast and ZoneAlarm free and it's back to normal ... my net is behind a router this all I need?

Mcafee? *NO*  Dear god, no.

AVG is much better and free.  Not running as admin is the better solution.

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