Go with an AR-15 locally made and uses American ammo! :-)
Stewart At 01:53 PM 11/18/2008, you wrote:
>That's the cheapest solution but that leaves me with no wires >which means possible outage on a bad day... A box of MREs and an AK-47 should take care of that for you. ************************************************************************* ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calmness, a member map, and more at http://www.cguys.org/ ** *************************************************************************
Rev. Stewart A. Marshall mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org Ozark, AL SL 82 ************************************************************************* ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calmness, a member map, and more at http://www.cguys.org/ ** *************************************************************************