Automatic assignment of DNS usually means that you are assigned to use DNS 
servers provided by your ISP, or ones that he has subscribed to (and is 
directly or indirectly responsible for seeing that they aren't hacked or at 
least has come to trust).

If you are using a router, set the individual computers to automatically detect 
DNS service, and set the router to use the DNS you want.  OpenDNS is a good one 
to use.  They apparently are making a serious effort 
to defeat DNS hacking attempts.  They also get some advertising revenue from 
what you see when you type in an erroneous URL, either one that isn't assigned 
or one that they believe belongs to the black hats.

Your ISP's tech support want you to use their DNS automatically so that they 
can gather statistics on what URLs you visit instead of someone else gathering 
those statistics.

Fred Holmes

At 04:16 PM 11/29/2008, Ranbo wrote:
>If DNS numbers are assigned automatically, does that mean they can
>frequently be changing?  If so, what is true at one moment in time as
>ascertained by a DNS query, may not hold the next day?

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