I just got a gorgeous bluetooth keyboard (Logitech diNovo Edge) and was shocked to discover my MacPro doesn't have bluetooth! I had thought it was standard in all Macs but mine was the last of the ones made in 2007 and in Jan of 2008 new models came out. The older ones didn't have bluetooth as standard equipment. So, I've found instructions on the web for adding it and have ordered and received the bluetooth card.......but I'm REALLY nervous about installing it. I've added RAM and harddrives.....they're plug and play. But this thing is TINY and you have to attach a TINY antenna wire from the computer to the card. Have any of you actually done this? Was it fairly easy and straight forward? I guess I need some hand-holding. I really don't want to take the tower to the "Genius" bar and leave it there. It's heavy (and I've had recent shoulder surgery and not supposed to lift things) and I don't want to wipe all my passwords from it. So, I need to do my own work I guess. Or I could return that keyboard.......nah.....it's a work of art! If nothing else, it looks great on my desk. <g>

I'm now at the age where I've got to prove that I'm just as good as I never was.....Rex Harrison

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