>And that is what I was trying to do - install the flight
>simulator...  Except that it's not a "general" app, it's special.

The idea of "general" app vs. "special" app is totally foreign to me. All 
apps can do potentially harmful things to a computer so I worry about all 
apps. If there are no safeguards about any random app running I am 

A while back Flash was able to update itself without getting intercepted 
by OS X. I was very unhappy about that and am glad this is no longer the 
case. We really do need to have the OS able to protect itself.

One reason I like hardware applicances is because all their code is in 
firmware. While it can be updated, it is a special process. It sometimes 
even requires that hardware buttons get pressed a certain way, so the 
hardware protects the firmware.

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