Tom Piwowar
>>*Big* difference. One may not agree with the conclusions, but at least
>>there are no incendiary remarks.
> You don't know incendiary. You want to see incendiary, read this...
> "MSN Mobile Music: Worst idea ever?"
> "Now here's a recipe for success: Take a brand that your
> parent company's been on the verge of abandoning for the
> last four years. Slap it on a new music download store
> for mobile phones. Encrust all the tracks with DRM, even
> though the rest of the music download industry is finally

I believe this is an example of something called sarcasm.

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
Death has been proven to be 99% fatal in laboratory rats!

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