Yeah, I got the PDF add-on for my older Office distribution at
the same time I got the add-on for opening the newer Office
formats.  I'm guessing that they did this because OpenOffice
has had a PDF feature for a while now.  Competition is good!

Speaking of the new Office formats, I thought that one reason
for moving to them was that they were less prone to corruption.
Yet I just got a collection of about 24 *.docx files (originally a plain
text questionnaire that apparently everyone filled out in Word), and
one of them was unreadable.

OS X's "print to PDF" feature is great, by the way. I use it regularly
when sending documents that the recipient doesn't need to edit
because that way I don't have to worry whether or not they can
read it.  Leopard gained the ability for PDF's to have working
hyperlinks, at least for PDF's produced from Apple applications.
I know it's not as good as Acrobat, but it's good enough for me,
and it's free with the OS.

Office 2007 has this feature now, as a free add-on.  It's great to
have this option, as we've depended on PDFCreator until now.

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