What companies make such?

A blue tooth earbud with a cellphone mic and the ability to pick up and switch between a blue tooth cellphone and a bluetooth MP3 player / FM radio would be perfect.


Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
I know of some headphones, not ear buds that are bluetooth and work with a variety of bluetooth appliances including phones, mp3 players and computers.


At 09:08 PM 1/29/2009, you wrote:
Does anyone know if there is a blue tooth ear bud that will work in a coordinated way with any misc. blue tooth equipped MP3 player AND any blue tooth equipped cellphone?

My reason for asking: In order to follow NPR's talk shows as I travel around on business during the day, with my pocket digital FM radio I often use one ear bud of a corded set of stereo earbuds (keeping the other ear free for whatever ...). I also use a regular cellphone and when I get a call or something else comes up that demands both ears, I have to turn off the radio remove the earbud / coil it up etc. Often it gets in tangles, caught up with my scarf, my seatbelt etc... in any case, as much as I enjoy listening to the radio shows, the corded headphone often ends up being a pain the you know what!

I see people using single blue tooth ear buds for cellphones and it occurred to me that it would be really great if I could use one of them with a blue tooth equipped MP3 player / FM radio combo that are on the market now.

And if I did, and I had a blue tooth equipped cellphone, and I got a call on the phone ... could I just interrupt the talk show and take the call by tapping on the earbud.

Seems like I read about some cellphone earbud model that does that but I can't remember what it was.

Anybody know?

ps: I'm not interested in stereo earbuds because I never listen to music in this way and I don't want to tie up both ears.
"Multi-tasking" is  the name of the game!

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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