>As a consequence, Americans don't see themselves as getting much return for
>their tax dollars, and so they basically feel they are being robbed.  I am
>not prepared to say whether they are right or wrong.  Having grown up and
>lived all my life in the US, it always amazes me that people in countries
>like France are not afraid to trust their health care entirely to government
>employees.  On the other hand, I can't ignore the ample evidence that
>supports this conclusion.

Over the years I have had several encounters eith European health care. 
It has been uniformly good. It has been uniformly available even on 
weekends and evening hours when it would have been hard to get in the 
USA. The biggest negative has been some good natured chiding about how 
health care is managed in the USA. The chiding came with apologies that 
they had to chage for service because we were Americans. The 'high fee' 
imposed was close to the co-pay extracted from me by my US insurer (I 
didn't tell them that).

Too many people in this country are victims of propaganda generated by 
the corporate interests that are ripping them off.

>3.) Americans have come to expect government initiatives to fail.  They
>consider a career working for the government (except in the areas of law
>enforcement and national security) as a refuge for the incompetent.  Largely
>a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Only true when they elect neocons to run the government. Observe how 
fiercely they fight the President to assure that the government will fail 
to perform. This time I think America will win. At least I hope so.

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