Is this true? Is there a shortage of forums for political discussions
these days? I wouldn't know, as I rarely indulge. Perhaps we need a
new forum - PGUYS (Political Guys).

No shortage.  But as Tom mentioned, we all know each other
pretty well here.  I pretty much can expect to hear diverse points
of view from people that I've been corresponding with for years.

Tom, Jeff, and Betty's (and others) opinions and insights are not
always ones I agree with but I would rather hear from people I
trust and respect on ANY subject, not just the ones on which
they are obviously experts.

This discussion is remarkably civil, informed, and occasionally
funny.  Which has been a hallmark of this list.  On Friday I
happened to be working with someone on a technical problem
(go figure) and I had NPR on my desk radio.  She turned to
me and said, "I'm scared".

I guess we all are, a little.  Me, I'm scared a lot.

Oh yeah, we solved the problem OK.  It wasn't obvious but it
was fixable and we did it.

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