On Feb 11, 2009, at 2:33 PM, db wrote:

To me the cutting tax (ad nauseum...), small hands off government, "free" trade concepts are just "me me me" first types trying to make sure nobody gets in the way of "them getting theirs"

And you determine this how?

and they have been increasingly motivated in the last 25 years or so to come strongly and selfishly forward by a trend of increasing American scarcity and diminishing prospects.

What scarcity? What is America running out of in your view? In what way are our prospects diminished? Most libertarians believe that if there is a scarcity, it represents a market opportunity, and believe that with the right choices made our prospects look good indeed.

I wouldn't want to be standing in line for the lifeboats on a sinking ship with any of these types around.

Amazing how many military who might be coming to your rescue are of a more conservative or libertarian bent though.

That they argue that such policy is best for all of us is just superficial and insincere BS propaganda

You have some secret inside source that tells you that libertarians do no believe what they are saying?

... a slim cover for an otherwise socially unacceptable self serving philosophy.

Self reliance within a greater community, a long standing American tradition, is now socially unacceptable?

I'm convinced that by nature they subjectively don't really give a functional damn about the good of the whole

By nature?  So you are saying there is a libertarian gene?

so debating the economic and governance points with them makes about as much sense as trying to talk a wolf out of eating meat.

Or say vegetarians who feed their dogs and cats vegetable diets?

If the last decade didn't prove out the bankruptcy of their theories of governance, I don't know what ever will.

The spendthrift Republican congress of 2001 - 2006 were hardly an exemplar of libertarian fiscal policy.

But I do learn a lot from other types in discussing such matters so I guess our string is worthwhile.

Other types. Do you mean types you already agree with? I find I learn more from being challenged with demonstrable reason backed up by facts.

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