> I do not know which conservatives you have in mind, but once you are
> done
> with William Buckley, who unfortunately is no longer around to keep
> Conservatism honest and clean, the fold is mostly histrionic beyond all
> pale
> (starting with the current darling- Hannity, Palin, and Coulter).

I'm not talking about public polemicists.  I was referring to personal
experience with everyday people.  But yeah, I miss Bill.

If you're going to use who appears on tee-vee as the standard on either Team
Red or Blue, then you're pretty much screwed.  I stopped watching broadcast
news for some of the reasons you mention.

> Amazing how when you inject invective and hyperbole, it's acceptable.
> When
> others use the same terminology, it's offensive.

Very true, and also very normal.  I'll repost my rules of partisanship:

- Your side is brilliant, honest, forthright, righteous, of the highest
ethics and above reproach.
- The other side is evil, stupid and/or ignorant, dishonest, sleazy and
always up to something no good.
- And, above all, you are never a partisan, just the other guy.
- Most importantly though, if you don't believe in the same thing, you're
the other guy from the other side.

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