I that the "POLITICS" header for the threads being discussed lately is a GREAT idea!

I've noticed that this list wanders off into political subjects from time to time, but generally wanders back into computer topics after awhile--usually after everybody has figured out what everybody else thinks about a given topic (and everybody gets thoroughly bored with it).

Since we're in a political and economic situation that's, well, kind of important right now, it's not surprising that it's taking people longer to get tired of political topics on the list.

So a "POLITICS" header could be useful while we get back to more purely computer-related issues.

This would also help list members who are pressed for time and who want only computer-related posts during a busy work day.

Oddly enough, I DO have time right now to read political posts, because I'm sidelined for the moment. I'm currently recovering (I hope) from surgery for a broken wrist.

I'd like to hear from any list members who have also had broken wrists or arms, and how long it took before you could use BOTH HANDS on a computer keyboard again, what you did by way of therapy, what helped, what not to do, etc.

Because ANYBODY can fall on the ice (I didn't think I was going to fall until I was halfway down) and IT'S A REAL DRAG TYPING AN EMAIL WITH JUST ONE HAND, when you're used to two!!!!!!

--Constance Warner

On Feb 15, 2009, at 10:28 AM, gerald wrote:

i have no interest in the politics being discussed on this list. could the political discussion crowd agree on at least one thing. use a topic subject so i can dump all this stuff into spam before i have to trash it and them dump it.

my recommended subject heading would be rush.

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