>Has any one ever had luck un bending pins on a newer CPU?

Back when I was a lab tech in college I became the official pin 
straightener. That was back in the days of vacuum tubes!

I'm partial to needle-nose pliers. They give you a tight grip, which is 
important to maintain control of the pin. Needle-nose pliers made for 
jewlers will be small enough to do this job well. I like the ones with a 
sharp, pointed tip. Make sure the pliers close tightly at the tip (some 

If a pin is mashed down it is best to grab it by its top with the tip of 
the pliers and pull straight up. That should get the pin near vertical. 
Then move the tip of the pliers to the bottom of the pin, keeping the 
pliers vertical, so the entirety of the pin is within the jaws of the 
pliers, rotate the pliers along the vertical axis and squeeze to get any 
kinks out of the pin.

Best to pull all bent pins to near vertical first. Then go back to iron 
out any kinks.

Work slowly and you probably will not break anything.

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