I would you can have the best speaker in the world but if it is hooked up to a lousy audio source all you will hear is crap.

I have never considered Coby to be quality audio products. I buy them for the cheap FM radio that hangs around the neck, or the cheap Headphone radio I could take to a football game and not worry if something happened to it.

Stick with the better stuff, Creative, Sansa (Sandisk) or of course your apple products.

You can buy amplified speakers for a decent amount of money that will make your system much better. I plug mine into my home system, via the headphone jack.


At 06:49 PM 2/17/2009, you wrote:

If I can't get one with a useful speaker I'm going to keep my 1st gen
iPod going. Maybe I'll put a speaker and small amplifier into a box and
use that. I should have enough parts in my old junk box to do that.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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