Jeff Wright
>> Ok, so you refute some of my possibilities.  Do you
>> have any idea why we don't have them?  If it is true
>> that customers want them or it is recognized that
>> they would want them, and their are no impediments in
>> law to selling them then surely there are enough
>> salesmen out their to figure it out and sell them.

> I agree with you in principle, but I think that the
> conservative and risk-averse monoculture within US
> auto companies is the largest factor at work.  As
> long as gas was cheap, they convinced themselves
> that Americans would never buy small, but well
> designed cars from Europe, even though the Japanese
> were eating their lunch with smaller cars.

I have to agree with you about the monoculture part.
How long has VW, Toyota, Datsun/Nissan & Honda been
selling cars in the US?  How long have import sales
gone up and domestic sales down?  Have often were
those two trends reversed?  Shouldn't that say
something about the success of the Detroit mindset?

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
Imagination is more important than knowledge! - Einstein

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