>> Regardless of the merit of the suit, "MS Sues TomTom for 
>> Using Linux" is a thoroughly misleading description of it,
>> based on your link.
> The story uses the phrase "implementation of Linux" I wrote
> "using Linux." Yes, I was definitely misleading. Probably 
> criminally.
> Now ignoring the story and making strange semantic arguments, 
> that's not misleading at all. That is double plus good.

I pointed out that the article doesn't say what you claimed. I can certainly
see where you, fact-challenged as you are where MS is concerned, would find
this to be a "strange semantic argument".

They are -NOT- suing TT "for using Linux". Or for using "an implementation
of Linux". They are suing for alleged patent violations. That is not by any
stretch of anyone's imagination equivalent to "MS Sues TomTom for Using

Now, unless I say something first, you are going to try to paint me as
having said that I approve of the suit. So here it is: I don't. Based on
what little information is actually in the article, it seems very foolish,. 

But your summary of it was wrong.

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