I regularly use Multiplan for DOS on a DOS machine because I like the way it 
works and it is quick and easy for "keeping books" in satisfactory fashion -- 
the reports are fast and easily checked, and the macros are "intuitive" while 
VBA isn't for me.  I can run Multiplan under windows in a DOS emulator, DOSBox 
0.72.  That's just for emergency, in case my DOS machine dies.  I've tried 
"upgrading" (porting) some of my bookkeeping to Excel, but really don't like 
what I get, although I could live with it.  And, no, I don't want Quickbooks, 
etc. with its continual requirement for annual upgrades and changing user 
interface (and learning curve every year).  I want the general programmability 
of a spreadsheet to write what I want.  For my simple needs it's simple to 
write my own payroll formulae, etc.

Can one load Win2K or XP into a virtual machine on XP and run legacy apps that 
way?  Including legacy hardware such as older printers?

Fred Holmes

At 01:13 PM 2/28/2009, Tom Piwowar wrote:
>>B) Not so very long ago you mentioned that you couldn't use (or knew people
>>who couldn't use) Vista because it did not support certain legacy apps that
>>you (or they) need. But now, no rational system designer needs to support
>Back when 8.3 was all the rage I was still doing my work with 80-column 
>tabulating cards and avoiding Windows like the Plague, but I see our 
>Microsoft Purity Squad has yet to extinguish their candle for 8.3.
>Can anyone here make a case for a modern operating system hanging on to 
>this relic from the far past? Does anyone here have software still in use 
>that will only work if regular file names are mapped into 8.3 format?

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