>Tom, haven't you, on numerous occasions, proudly proclaimed that you  
>still use a 1.0 version of an email app (Claris?) because it "does  
>what you need"? (Of course it's been a while, so maybe you've moved on.)

Well I have not moved on, but I have planned my escape route. Now I just 
have to find enough spare time to transfer 1000s of stored emails to the 
new system.

There was a period when I thought email clients had too many defects so I 
hyng back. That time is over and I see many good choices. I look forward 
to upgrading someday.

>I use it because it keeps each individual email as a separate text  
>file. If I get something that I don't trust , I can open Notepad and  
>look at it. Still works in Win7. The best part about it, is that it's  
>cross platform compatible with--wait for it--OS/2.

Yes the need to keep each individual email as a separate text file was 
one of my main reasons for not switching. Apple Mail now does that.

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